Privacy policy
Recognizing the importance of the rights and interests of its customers, business partners, employees and other concemed parties
(hereinafter "Concemed Parties"). AGL Corporation (hereinafter "AGL") has established the following basic policy for the appropriate
protection and handling of the personal information of Concemed Parties.
The above policy also applies to AGL’ s website, and AGL will protect any personal information obtained from Concemed Parties. However, the policy applies to no other websites other than those of AGL. Please verify the privacy policies of any other websites you visit. as AGL assumes no responsibility regarding personal information at any websites linked from AG L's website.
1. Compliance with Laws and Standards
AGL shall observe privacy Iaws. respect social norms and follow internal Company rules in the handling of personal information.2. Management of Personal Information
AGL shall maintain a personal information administrator to ensure appropriate management of personal information according to
this policy and to familiarize Company officers and employees with proper protocols. AGL shall periodically review and improve on
such efforts.
3. Acquisition of Personal Information
AGL shall acquire personal information by appropriate means and handle such information according to the purposes of use
disclosed or announced to Concerned Parties.
4. Povision of Personal Information to Third Parties
AGL shall not provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of Concerned Parties, except as required by
Iaws regarding the protection of personal information. When entrusting the handling of personal information to a third party. AGL
shall obligate such third party by contract to maintain the same level of personal information management standards as AGL. and
shall stringently monitor such personal information management.
5. Implementation of Safety Measures
To prevent leakage of personal information. AGL shall work to e nsure and enhance security and implement other safety control
6. Response to Disclosure Requests
AGL shall follow its prescribed procedures to accommodate without delay any request from Concemed Parties regarding the
disclosure, correction, and cessation of use, deletion or other handling of personal information.The above policy also applies to AGL’ s website, and AGL will protect any personal information obtained from Concemed Parties. However, the policy applies to no other websites other than those of AGL. Please verify the privacy policies of any other websites you visit. as AGL assumes no responsibility regarding personal information at any websites linked from AG L's website.